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Unlocking Whole Health Balance: Lillian McDermott's Journey

Dr. Stagg isn't just another dentist. She's a pioneer in the realm of holistic dentistry, where the mouth is seen not just as a gateway to a great smile but as a crucial component of our overall health. Lillian McDermott first encountered Dr. Stagg when she sought alternative treatment for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder. Little did she know that this experience with Dr. Stagg would open her eyes to a whole new approach to dentistry and healthcare.

TMJ disorder, a condition affecting the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement, is often overlooked or misunderstood in conventional dental practices. However, under Dr. Stagg's care, I learned that TMJ disorder isn't just about jaw pain—it's a symptom of a deeper imbalance that can affect our entire well-being.

On Lillian's first appointment with Dr. Stagg, she didn't just dive into treatment options; she took the time to explain how TMJ is diagnosed and its profound connection to our overall health. She emphasized that your jaw and its alignment impact everything from our posture to our sleep quality, and even our digestion. It became clear that treating TMJ isn't just about alleviating symptoms; it's about restoring whole health balance. Dr. Stagg's approach integrates traditional dental expertise with a holistic perspective that considers the interconnectedness of our body systems. She combines advanced diagnostic tools with personalized treatment plans that address not just the symptoms but the root causes of TMJ disorder. From lifestyle adjustments to specialized therapies, every aspect of her care is geared towards promoting healing and restoring harmony within the body.

What struck Lillian the most about Dr. Stagg's practice is her commitment to educating her patients. She firmly believes that informed patients make empowered decisions about their health. Through seminars, workshops, and one-on-one consultations, she shares her knowledge about TMJ disorder and its far-reaching effects. Her goal? To empower her patients to take charge of their health journey and achieve lasting wellness. The care you'll receive for TMJ disorder isn't just about your jaw; it's about achieving balance in your entire body. It's a testament to the fact that dentistry, under the guidance of innovators like Dr. Claire Stagg, is evolving beyond traditional boundaries to embrace a more holistic approach—one that acknowledges the mouth as a gateway to our overall well-being.

If you've ever struggled with dental issues that seem to impact more than just your smile, I encourage you to explore the realm of holistic dentistry. It's a journey towards whole health balance—one that starts with a visit to a dentist who understands the profound connection between your oral health and your overall vitality. Dr. Claire Stagg has certainly opened my eyes to a new era of dental care, where prevention meets holistic healing, and where the pursuit of a healthy smile leads to so much more.

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STAGG OPERATING SYSTEMS™: Providing educational materials to enhance practice management the Health Connections Dentistry® way.

This site is based primordially for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES , both for the lay person as well as for professionals who would like to learn more on how Health Connections Dentistry® is practiced. It is also a wonderful resource for videos of past questions asked and explained simply, options for nutritional supplements that are naturally made  and many more treasures that we will add as we publish them! 

Our sister website is based on CLINICAL care and will assist those researching an appointment with Dr. Stagg in her clinical Health Connections Dental practice.  

While we make an abundance of information available at no charge on this website and some of our other websites, Dr. Stagg makes an important part of her living by selling online training programs, print and digital books, workbooks, worksheets and special reports, audios, etc. Because of this, we thank you for your integrity in protecting her intellectual property. Therefore, on a practical level, if you would like for loved ones, friends, patients, clients, work associates, therapists, coaches, or others you know, to be able to benefit from the resources that we sell /or promote for Dr. Stagg, you agree to provide them with a link to the page that contains the resource details and purchase link. We count on and thank you for (and of course also legally require), your integrity about this.

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