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NEWS FLASH!!!! Court Ruling: Fluoride Levels Pose Risk to Children’s IQ

  • Source: IAOMT
  • 10/01/2024

A recent federal court ruling has confirmed the current fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water, endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children. The ruling underscores the need for immediate regulatory action to ban water fluoridation, as it challenges decades of government promotion of fluoridated water as safe and beneficial according to The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).

In a landmark case, Fluoride Action Network and other health advocacy groups successfully argued that fluoride levels currently promoted as “optimal” by the EPA and other government agencies pose a significant threat to public health, particularly to the cognitive development of children. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that fluoridation at 0.7 mg/L — the level endorsed by the EPA — presents an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children. This finding is based on robust scientific evidence, including a review by the US Government’s National Toxicology Program, which identified a clear link between fluoride exposure and neurodevelopmental harm.

Despite overwhelming evidence, the EPA and other regulatory bodies such as the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to ignore the risks, dismissing concerns raised by health professionals, researchers, and advocacy groups. For years, mothers and families have been told that fluoridated water is safe. The CDC even named community water fluoridation one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century, without any acknowledgement of the known health risks of fluoride.

However, this court decision confirms what IAOMT and other health-conscious organizations have long asserted: fluoridation is not a harmless practice and poses real dangers to the most vulnerable among us — our children.

IAOMT Past President Griffin Cole, DMD stated, “This unprecedented ruling is a wake-up call for the EPA, CDC and other government agencies who have, for far too long, promoted fluoridation without adequately considering its harmful effects on developing brains. It is unconscionable that millions of pregnant women and children continue to be exposed to fluoride levels that an overwhelming number of scientific studies show are harmful.”

Fluoride is not only present in drinking water but also in processed foods, dental products, and other daily sources. Aggregate exposure is far higher than what is considered safe for children and pregnant women, a fact that government agencies such as the EPA and CDC have continuously ignored.

Research presented in the court case revealed that fluoride exposure, even at levels lower than 1.5 mg/L, is associated with a significant reduction in children’s IQ. The pooled analysis showed that for every 0.28 mg/L of fluoride in a pregnant mother’s urine, a one-point drop in her child’s IQ can be expected. With typical U.S. fluoride exposure levels often exceeding this threshold, the risks are clear — and action is long overdue.

“It’s time for the EPA, CDC and other health authorities to stop ignoring the science and start protecting the health of future generations,” added current IAOMT President Yuko Torigoe, DMD. “We need transparent regulations based on the latest research, not outdated practices that put our children at risk.”

As an organization dedicated to biological dentistry and the science of safe dental practices, IAOMT will continue to advocate for fluoride-free water and raise awareness about the toxic effects of fluoride. The Academy also calls on local, state, and federal officials to end their support of fluoridation programs and ensure that public health policies reflect current scientific understanding by banning water fluoridation.

For the sake of our children, it is crucial that we ban water fluoridation and prioritize health over outdated, and now proven harmful, practices.

For more information, visit Also, read: Case 3:17-cv-02162-EMC   Document 445   Filed 09/24/24.

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