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How is your oral health shaping your airway and overall vitality?

Do you have a question, Do you want to meet Dr. Stagg, join the Q&A on our youtube page.

I'm Dr. Claire Stagg , founder of the Health Connections Dentistry®︎ concept integrating Dental and Oral Health to the wellness and balance of the whole individual's being!

We will strive to bring forward as much science based research and tools for you to appreciate what an amazing resource your body is, and how you can heal yourself with the right knowledge and nutrition. Better yet and more importantly, how you can avoid dis-ease with proper growth and development by proper nutrition as well as breathing well.


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Section One:

How the different parts fit together.

Section One:


STRUCTURE (noun) Arrangement or construction of an item such that the individual parts or elements, when put together, create a complex and organized whole or supporting framework of essential parts. 

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Section Two:

How the different components gel together/ Affect each other.

Section Two:

Chemical (noun): any gas, liquid or solid that contains matter. Can be a pure element or a mixture of elements. Can occur in nature or be synthetic. 

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Section Three:

How they work together.

Section Three:

Definition of Function: Perform, run or work specifically for a particular purpose. An action that is part of a larger action (for example, the function of the heart is to supply the body with blood). Designed or intended to be practical rather than necessarily attractive or pleasing. 

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Section Four:

How to measure the connection.

Section Four:

Introducing machinery, equipment, computers, put on assembly line, automate. 

Branch of applied mathematics dealing with motion and tendencies to motion.

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Section Five:

How it looks and expressses together.

Section Five:

Emotion: Strong mental or instinctive feeling, expression, arousal.

What are emotions? I would say it’s how I ‘feel’. But when one seeks a definition, is there really a finite term to explain such an infinite scope of responses, on an individual or a collective level?

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Section Six:

How it feels (Connecting body, mind, soul and spirit).

Section Six:

Spiritual does not necessarily imply religious, though they can mean the same to some. Spiritual connections pertain to the mental or moral nature of a person, their attitude, state of mind, as well as their values, relationships to self and to others. Importantly, the meaning they give to life and its purpose. 

To learn more about how "It's All Connected!" > Learn More

What our readers say

Dr. Stagg's Blog

The European Union bans the use of dental amalgams🦷

The Council of the European Union Takes a Major Step Towards Holistic Dentistry! In a significant move towards prioritizing patient health, the Council of the EU has announced that it will be banning the use of dental amalgam, a toxic material containing me...

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Send us your questions about dental & health questions💌

Get ready to learn the connections of your smile! Dr. Claire Stagg, author of the latest book 'Smile, It's All Connected, Whole Health Through Balance', is here to help you connect the dots between your dental health and overall well-being. ...

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Choffy is better than Coffee ☕ Dr. Stagg swears by it😁

Looking for a healthy alternative to coffee? Look no further than Choffy, the revolutionary new drink that's taking the world by storm. By substituting traditional coffee beans with rich, antioxidant-packed cacao, Choffy offers a unique and delicious twist ...

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June is here😎! Catch up with Dr. Stagg and Smile!!

May was a marvelous packed month! Dr. Stagg's over-decade project officially launched, 'Smile, It's All Connected. Whole Health Through Balance' debuted on Amazon as a #1 New Release! Read more here. ...

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STAGG OPERATING SYSTEMS™: Providing educational materials to enhance practice management the Health Connections Dentistry® way.

This site is based primordially for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES , both for the lay person as well as for professionals who would like to learn more on how Health Connections Dentistry® is practiced. It is also a wonderful resource for videos of past questions asked and explained simply, options for nutritional supplements that are naturally made  and many more treasures that we will add as we publish them! 

Our sister website is based on CLINICAL care and will assist those researching an appointment with Dr. Stagg in her clinical Health Connections Dental practice.  

While we make an abundance of information available at no charge on this website and some of our other websites, Dr. Stagg makes an important part of her living by selling online training programs, print and digital books, workbooks, worksheets and special reports, audios, etc. Because of this, we thank you for your integrity in protecting her intellectual property. Therefore, on a practical level, if you would like for loved ones, friends, patients, clients, work associates, therapists, coaches, or others you know, to be able to benefit from the resources that we sell /or promote for Dr. Stagg, you agree to provide them with a link to the page that contains the resource details and purchase link. We count on and thank you for (and of course also legally require), your integrity about this.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:  Your purchase of any of our resources entitles you to use them for your own personal or clinical use. In accordance with international copyright law, copying any of Dr. Stagg’s digital or printed resources for any other purpose, such as but not limited to using this material in articles, books, presentations, workshops, classes, or for any other reasons, is prohibited unless you have obtained prior written authorization from Dr. Claire Stagg.
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