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Your Dentist Could Be Your First Line of Defense Against Eating Disorders

Did you know your dentist might be the first to spot signs of an eating disorder? Conditions like anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating not only affect your relationship with food and body image but can also impact your oral health.

Young women are often especially vulnerable to these issues, and they can have lasting effects if not addressed. Studies reveal that up to 89% of people with bulimia show signs of tooth erosion, highlighting how eating disorders can harm your dental health. These disorders often lead to poor nutrition, leaving you deficient in essential minerals, vitamins, proteins, and nutrients.

Additionally, if you're experiencing symptoms like heartburn or acid indigestion, it might be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Sometimes, these symptoms can be missed by general practitioners, but dentists are in a unique position to notice the acidic damage in your mouth and ask the right questions about your symptoms and lifestyle.

Dental professionals play a crucial role in the early detection and education of these conditions. Early recognition and prevention can make a significant difference in your health. For more insights, check out Dr. Stagg’s book SMILE, It’s All Connected! available on Amazon (see pg. 89-90 for more details).

Taking care of your teeth is about more than just a pretty smile—it's about your overall well-being. Don’t ignore the signs. If you have any concerns, talk to your dentist—they’re here to help you shine both inside and out!

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STAGG OPERATING SYSTEMS™: Providing educational materials to enhance practice management the Health Connections Dentistry® way.

This site is based primordially for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES , both for the lay person as well as for professionals who would like to learn more on how Health Connections Dentistry® is practiced. It is also a wonderful resource for videos of past questions asked and explained simply, options for nutritional supplements that are naturally made  and many more treasures that we will add as we publish them! 

Our sister website is based on CLINICAL care and will assist those researching an appointment with Dr. Stagg in her clinical Health Connections Dental practice.  

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