Dr. Stagg LOVES and believes in the benefits so much that she has been selling Choffy for nearly 10 years! Additionally, Choffy's low caffeine content and absence of acidity make it an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to these compounds. With its rich, smooth flavor and versatility as a beverage or ingredient, Choffy is a game-changer for anyone looking to upgrade their daily routine and experience the best of both worlds - the benefits of cacao and the comfort of a warm cup.
Choffy has been credited with increasing focus and energy, thanks to its natural caffeine boost. Dr. Stagg, swears by it and credits Choffy with helping her power through her writing process of "Smile, It's All Connected. Whole Health Through Balance". In fact, she was so inspired by the benefits of Choffy that she incorporated it into her daily routine while writing. In Smile! On page 139 of the book, Dr. Stagg drank 'gallons' of Choffy. Choffy is the perfect way to fuel your mind and body for a day of productivity and creativity. Give it a try and experience the difference for yourself!